This is the last time I'm going to mention the book directly. I don't want to spam, but don't want anyone to miss out.
Basically, you can still get it for $10 until the end of November at this promotion code link.
Buying now means you can access all updates for life!
It's at 60% completion roughly and has hit 90 pages of content. 40 pages alone are discussing Go's type system!
It's been a bigger project than I imagined but we'll keep going. I've found it very useful in refreshing my knowledge after spending some time away from Go in a more general engineering role.
I'll leave you with this. One of my favourite gotchas which made it into the book yesterday!
Q) What happens when you perform type conversion of int to string?
A) It works fine.
B) It fails to build, they are not compatible types.
C) There are no errors, but it doesn't do what you may expect.
Answers in the comments! And don't forget the book coupon!
Best wishes,